
"Failure" Wasn't a Part of Success- Joint ventures

"Failure" wasn't the mother of success any more.

Deal making does get easier as you gain more experience (and confidence), but, just like riding a bike, you'll surely go through some rough spots on the road to success - and this applies to anything, really. However, it is your attitude that will ultimately determine whether you succeed or fail. It almost has nothing to do with your skill level, your contacts, your childhood, your situation or "dumb luck”. Don’t be deceived into thinking that you're simply "no good" at joint ventures if your first few "flop". Those are the times that you'll actually learn the most about putting together deals, what to avoid and - literally - how to succeed!

As I'd mentioned previously, the first time you tried to ride a bike was likely a miserable experience. It takes a while to get used to the idea of pushing forward - in faith that momentum generated from your persistent action will keep you from hitting the ground...

There are many parallels between "learning to ride a bike" and becoming consistently successful with joint ventures, the most important one being that you aren't going to be an Olympic cyclist the day the training wheels come off!

Success is a process. "Overnight success" is usually the result of years of attempts, failures, and persistence.

But if I can impart only one thing from this entire article - one thing that you would come away with and remember, it would be this...


Success is not some "thing" that others possess and you don't. It's simply an accumulation of willfully decisions, persistence, imagination and massive action. There's no mystery to it.
Do what needs to be done - and pursue your dreams with a vengeance!

The Article is written by BUYMAPLESTORY.COM providing Cheap Maplestory Mesos and trade MapleStory Mesos. Visit WWW.BUYMAPLESTORY.COM for more information on Sell MapleStory Mesos Services. Copyright information This article is free for reproduction but must be reproduced in its entirety, including live links & this copyright statement must be included. Visit BUYMAPLESTORY.COM for more services!

