
Enjoy you cup of coffee just by follow these tips for you

If you want to adjust the strength of your coffee then you will need to adapt the amount of grounds and the amount of hot water you use. Using fewer grounds will reduce the strength of your coffee, whereas increasing the grounds will increase the strength. A fresher grind means fresher coffee, which is why traditional Italian coffee makers and bean to cup coffee machines are so popular. They freshly grind beans just before the coffee is brewed, making it as fresh as it can be.

The first things to consider when purchasing your coffee include the time elapsed since the beans have been ground, since the roasting of the beans, cleanliness of any bean to cup coffee machines used and of course the quality of the beans you are using.

Another way of maintaining fresh coffee is by ensuring it is stored in the correct fashion. This will preserve the beans which mean they will stay fresh, preserve aroma and keep taste for longer. When you first open a fresh bag of coffee beans you will notice the beans are slightly oily and it's these oily beans which are responsible for the light brown froth we find on our espressos. You should also look to preserve the coffee beans in an airtight container, such as tupperware, and store at room temperature.

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